Tuesday, May 28, 2013


The crucible: The Witch trials; the play can be seen as a symbol of the paranoia about communism that pervaded America in the 1950s.

The adventures of huckleberry fin: The Mississippi River; For Huck and Jim, the Mississippi River is the ultimate symbol of freedom. Alone on their raft, they don't have to answer to anyone, and the river carries them toward freedom.

The awaking: Birds; In The Awakening, caged birds serve as reminders to Edna’s entrapment and also to the entrapment of Victorian women in general.

The things they carried: Linda; Linda represents elements of the past that can be brought back through imagination and storytelling.


The crucible: empowerment; The witch trials empower several characters in the book who are previously looked down apon in Salem society. The then use their power to seek revenge on everyone, and use it to get what they want.

The adventures of huckleberry fin: Superstition; From the time Huck meets jim on Jackson’s Island until the end of the novel, Jim spouts a wide range of superstitions and folktales. Jim initially appears foolish to believe in these kinds of signs and omens, it turns out that many of his beliefs do indeed have some part in reality.

The awaking: Houses; Edna stays in many houses in The Awakening: the cottages on Grand Isle, Madame Antoine’s home on the Chênière Caminada, the big house in New Orleans, and her “pigeon house.” Each of these houses serves as a marker of her progress as she undergoes her awakening.

The things they carried: storytelling; O’Brien believes that stories contain immense power, since they allow tellers and listeners to confront the past together and share otherwise unknowable experiences.

the things they carried rewiew

The things they carried is an exciting war book that follows Tim o'brian through land mine feilds, fire fights, and artillery shell'd shit feilds, that is the Vietnam War. Tim tells about the hardships that him and his platoon faced, as well as the good times too. He talks about the men he killed as well as the men who got killed. This is one of the best books I have read all year and I would highly recommend  this book to anyone who likes action and war drama filled books.

the awaking rewiew

The awaking follows a woman in the 1800s that isn't happy with her current marriage,  and life. While her husband is away on work she is out looking for men. She finds a man named Robert who she thinks is her new sole mate. However unable to file for divorce and leave her current husband, she secreatly has to see him. She eventualy cheats on robert for another man and soon realizes it was a mistake that she can't take back. I didn't really like this book, it was like reading a chick flick. It had way to much drama and failed to keep my attention. I would recomend this book to lonely and desperate women.

huck fin review

The adventures of huckleberry fin takes place along the Mississippi river in the 1800s. Huck runs away from home because his will for adventure can not be contained by his gaurdian. He is kidnapped by his dad and held hostage for weeks, untill he escapes. He survives alone untill he finds his owners slave jim, and start for the north so jim wil be a free man. Huck fin is an amazing book with plenty of adventure, and twist and turns you don't see comming. You read about how huck's relationship with jim grows and how they learn to survive on the river. Huck fin will have you reading untill the day is over. It is a great book for adventure lovers and I would recomend this book to everyone.

the crucible rewiew

I thought that the crucible was a fairly good book. It is based on a town in the 17th century that goes mad over witches. A group of girls are caught playing with witch craft and go crazy. They are all faking it so they don't get executed, and blame almost everyone else just to save themselves. Even when they have proof the judge dismisses it and execute them. It had a lot of action, drama, and twists and turns that you don't see comming. However I found most that most parts had way too much drama and was a little exaggerated. I did enjoy most of the book and had a fun time reading it. It adds a little bit of spookyness knowing that the witch trials actually happend.
